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Getting Started

react-breeze is a component library working with configurable colors.

It allows for quick prototyping, while giving a good degree of freedom.



yarn add react-breeze


npm add --save react-breeze


Before using react-breeze, you need to setup Tailwind CSS.

Step 1: allow active variant

Next, you need to allow the variant active for background color:


module.exports = {
content: ['./src/**/*.{html,js}', './node_modules/react-breeze/**/*.js'],
theme: {
extend: {},
variants: {
extend: {
backgroundColor: ['active'],
plugins: [],

Step 2: colors

Components in react-breeze work by passing them a color intent (primary, secondary, success, info, warning and danger) and in some cases two bonus colors (light and dark).

import { Button } from 'react-breeze';

<Button>Button (Primary by default)</Button>
<Button color="secondary">Button (Secondary)</Button>

Those colors must be added to the theme -> extends -> colors object inside tailwind.config.js. For ease of use, react-breeze provide a function to generate them:

const { generateColors } = require('react-breeze');

module.exports = {
content: ['./src/**/*.{html,js}', './node_modules/react-breeze/**/*.js'],
theme: {
extend: {
colors: generateColors(),
variants: {
extend: {
backgroundColor: ['active'],
plugins: [],

While a default color palette is used by generateColors, you can define your own colors for each intent:

const { generateColors } = require('react-breeze');

module.exports = {
content: ['./src/**/*.{html,js}', './node_modules/react-breeze/**/*.js'],
theme: {
extend: {
colors: generateColors({
primary: '#0d6efd',
secondary: '#6c757d',
info: '#17a2b8',
success: '#28a745',
warning: '#ffc107',
danger: '#dc3545',
variants: {
extend: {
backgroundColor: ['active'],
plugins: [],

(Tailwind use a shade system, which will be handled by generateColor, using the given color as the middle (500/DEFAULT) value)

Step 3: safelist

Classnames using those colors are generated dynamically, which means that some will be removed from the CSS at build time. In order to work, react-breeze makes use of the safelist property inside tailwind.config.js.

React-breeze comes with an utility function generateSafelist. It generates all the classnames that shouldn't be removed:

const { generateColors } = require('react-breeze');

module.exports = {
content: ['./src/**/*.{html,js}', './node_modules/react-breeze/**/*.js'],
theme: {
extend: {
colors: generateColors(),
variants: {
extend: {
backgroundColor: ['active'],
plugins: [],
safelist: generateSafelist(),

That's it, you're good to go! Explore components